Thursday, October 25, 2007


Everything I said yesterday? Never mind.

I sucked last night in my belly dancing class. I was stiffer than the basketball-playing med students (who also happen to be in the armed forces--talk about overachievers!), and one left foot kept stepping on the other. The only thing I seemed to do well was, unbelievably, turns. I usually suck at these at home, where I'm generally treading on a dog or running into furniture.

Even the nerd who dances with a look on her face that resembles that of someone being forced to jump from a plane danced better than I did last night.

And I lost my favorite cheap earrings. I bought them in Ireland before Fiona was even born, so they can't possibly be replaced. I never lose anything, but I pick these to lose!

Oh yeah, and how the hell does Starbucks cram 500 calories into one tiny scone? I want to sue them to pay for my lipo.

Rant over.

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